Toric Multifocal Contacts For Astigmatism

Best Contact Lenses for Presbyopia AND Astigmatism (ie Toric Multifocal)

As you age, your eyes have more trouble focusing on close up objects. This condition is called presbyopia and starts affecting most people between the ages of 40 and 50. For those with an astigmatism (an uneven cornea), developing presbyopia often meant having to wear readers with your contact lenses or a monovision fit with astigmatism lenses.

Over the last few years, contact lens manufacturers have introduced new, custom lenses that can correct both presbyopia AND astigmatism in the same lens. Although these lenses sometimes take more than one visit to fit completely, they are a game changer for those who are tired of wearing readers over their astigmatism contact lenses.

These lenses are called Toric Multifocal lenses and are generally custom made to your exact prescription. This means they can be a bit on the pricier side (and they often take an extra week or two to arrive due to manufacturing times). However, the extra cost can be worth it if you are looking for a better experience with contact lenses!


Biofinity Toric Multifocal

Biofinity is one of the most popular monthly disposable contact lenses on the market right now, and for good reason. Biofinity contacts are made from comifilcon a, a silicon hydrogel material that lets oxygen pass through to your eyes all month long. They also feature Aquaform technology, which helps moisture bind directly to your lens.

This lens is a monthly disposable lens, meaning you can wear it for up to a month as long as you are taking the lenses out each night. Biofinity lenses are also FDA approved for up to 6 nights of continuous wear, although most eye doctors wouldn’t recommend that. However, if you forget to take them out every once in a while there’s no need to worry since they are approved for limited overnight wear.

Biofinity’s Toric Multifocal contact lens has two key features that ensure you have crisp, clear vision. To help correct your astigmatism, Biofinity lenses have Optimized Toric Lens Geometry. This technology helps keep your lens stable on your eye while you blink. To help correct your presbyopia, Biofinity lenses have Balanced Progressive Technology. The lens itself has multiple ‘zones’ of vision correction so that you can see near, intermediate, and far, all with the same lens.

Since Biofinity Toric Multifocal is a monthly disposable lens, you’ll only need to purchase four boxes to get a full year’s worth of lenses. Each 6-pack costs $124.98 but you can get $50 off when you buy an annual supply and use the code 200ANNUAL. At Lenses For Less, you get free standard shipping on every order.


Proclear Multifocal Toric

CooperVision’s Proclear Multifocal Toric is another popular monthly lens that can correct both your astigmatism and presbyopia. Proclear contact lenses are the only contact lenses that are FDA cleared for helping with dry eyes. If you struggle with dry eyes in other monthly contact lenses, then you should consider discussing Proclear contacts with your eye doctor.

To help correct your presbyopia, Proclear Multifocal Toric lenses feature two proprietary technologies: Balanced Progressive™ Technology and Patented PC Technology™. The Balanced Progressive Technology means that one lens will be made specifically for your dominant eye and the other lens will be made specifically for your non-dominant eye. Proclear’s Patented PC Technology™ refers to the unique manufacturing process that Proclear uses to keep your lenses hydrated all month long.

Proclear Multifocal Toric is a monthly lens that comes in 6-packs, so you’ll need just four boxes to last you the entire year. One 6-pack will cost you $154.98 but you can get $85 off when you purchase an annual supply and use the code 76ANNUAL. All contacts purchased on LensesForLess also come with free standard shipping.


Ultra Multifocal for Astigmatism

Another great option for those with both Presbyopia and Astigmatism is Bausch & Lomb’s Ultra Multifocal for Astigmatism. This lens is made from samifilcon a, a silicon hydrogel material that ensures enough oxygen pass through to your eyes. In fact, these lenses feature Basuch & Lomb’s special MoistureSeal technology to help retain 95% of moisture for up to 16 hours of wear. These lenses can be worn for up to a month, as long as you are taking them out for cleaning and storage each evening.

Ultra Multifocal for Astigmatism features several technological breakthroughs to keep your vision sharp no matter how severe your vision correction needs are. The 3-Zone Progressive technology means this lens features near, intermediate, and distance zones that help your eyes focus on any distance. To keep your lens stable while you blink, Ultra Multifocal for Astigmatism features an OpticAlign design. This lens also features an orientation mark so you can make sure your lenses are never inside out.

Like the other lenses, Ultra Multifocal for Astigmatism is a monthly disposable lenses so a year’s supply is only four boxes. Each 6-pack costs $119.98 but you can get $60 off an annual supply with the code 217ANNUAL. Like every other contact lens on, these lenses automatically come with free shipping!


If you are tired of struggling with monovision astigmatism lenses, or are just tired of wearing reading glasses over your astigmatism contact lenses, then you may be a great fit for toric multifocal lenses. With three different lenses in this category, your local eye doctor should be able to find one that works for you. After you get your finalized prescription from your eye doctor, be sure to come back to Lenses For Less to get your multifocal toric lenses at an affordable price with free shipping!

Lens Parameters Comparison

  Biofinity Toric Multifocal Proclear Multifocal Toric Ultra Multifocal for Astigmatism
Material / H20 content comfilcon A / 48% omafilcon B / 62% samfilcon A / 46%
Replacement Schedule Monthly Monthly Monthly
Oxygen transmissibility 116 Dk/t (at -3.00D) 38.6 Dk/t (at -3.00D) 163 Dk/t @ center for -3.00D
Base Curve (BC) 8.7 mm 8.4 mm
8.8 mm
8.6 mm
Diameter (DIA) 14.5 mm 14.4 mm 14.5 mm
Sphere Powers -10.00 to -6.50; 0.50 steps
-6.00 to +6.00; 0.25 steps
+6.50 to +10.00; 0.50 steps
+20.00D to -20.00D
(0.50D steps after +/-6.50D)
+4.00D to -6.00D in 0.25D steps
Cylinder Powers -0.75 to -5.75; 0.50 steps -0.75 to -5.75 (0.50D steps) -0.75D
Axis 5º - 180º, 5º increments 5° to 180° (5° steps) 10° to 180° in 10° steps
Add Powers +1.00
+1.00 to +4.00 (0.50D steps) Low +0.75D to +1.50D
High +1.75D to +2.50D
6-Pack Price $124.98 $154.98 $119.98
Annual Supply Discount $50 off with code 200ANNUAL $85 off with code 76ANNUAL $60 off with code 217ANNUAL


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a daily disposable lens for Toric Multifocal?

Right now there is no daily disposable lens for toric multifocal, but Acuvue Max 1-Day will likely be available in toric multifocal in late 2023 or early 2024.

How can I renew my prescription for Multifocal Toric contacts?

The easiest way to renew your prescription is an online eye exam. If your powers aren't too high, you are eligible for an online vision test even with astigmatism and presbyopia. If your powers are on the higher end then an in person exam is recommended.

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